What is your score today?

It calculates your daily score based on the importance of the registered goals and the completion status of the sub-goals. This allows you to objectively judge how well your day was spent. It also supports you to look back on your day using the feedback function.

📝 Manual

Main features

▶ Ability to add, delete and edit goals ▶ Ability to change the priority of goals ▶ Ability to add, delete and edit sub-goals ▶ Score calculation function through registered goals and sub-goals ▶ Feedback and history functions


▶ Support night mode ▶ Support various themes ▶ Supports various fonts ▶ Supports various languages (English, Korean) ▶ Data initialization

🖍️ Inquiries and suggestions

Please send your inquiries and suggestions to the email address below and we will kindly respond.

Email: [email protected]